Tuesday 28 June 2011


Haizzz....betul2 stress dgn assignment yg bertimbun2..
org katakan short sem sebenarnya MUDAH, tak teruk sangat tapi nie isykkkkkk... Kena berjaga sampai 3-4 pagi buat assignment subject - FINANCE MARKET & INSTITUTION..


Haaah....that day (Sunday), I was watching hindi movie "DEVDAS" - can be said one of my FAV movie of KING KHAN (SRK). After watching it few times, that was the day realize one thing. Sebelum nie, saya pernah dengar many ppl saying (normally guys) 'Guys are dying becoz of Girls - Ladies, e.g Laila Majnu (Majnu dies), Devdas Parvathy (Devdas dies) and so on. All because of LOVE.
but did anyone know how and what's the reason they died??? 

HaHaHaHaHa....i found up the reason after watched "DEVDAS" that day.<<<actually this only from my point of view>>>
Sebenarnya DEVDAS (deva) and PARVATHY  (paro) love each other but then against by his family and Paro's family faced  a lot of embarrassing moments, right??? So Paro dikahwinkan dgn org lain dan Deva stay single.. What had happen after that?? Devdas surrender his life to alcohol and become the great "ALCOHOLIC" and reason is he want to forget about his sweetheart Paro but at last HE DIES AT LAST..!!!

Okey, my question here is, Did Paro asked him to take alcohol..?? Did she asked him to become an Alcoholic..?? I guess no, she only asked him to LEAVE alcohol.
Paro also did suffer a lot separated from her childhood sweetheart not only Devdas.
Devdas mati sebab dia minum alcohol sampai menjejaskan kesihatan dia dan ianya menjadi racun pembunuh.
Tapikan apa yg saya pernah dengar Devdas die but Paro live. He dies because of Her...Hmmm apa yg boleh dikatakan. Setiap manusia berbeza fikirannya..

HaHaHaHaHaHa...this is just my point of view. Anyhow DEVDAS and PARVATHY shares a great and depth LOVE between them. Nobody can denied it..!!!

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