Monday 22 August 2011

All Belly Businesses..!!!

Hehehe...All Belly Businesses, there are two meaning of it :-
First Belly Dance and second is about Food.

I am going to attend Belly Dance from next month
which is suppose to be start on 2nd September 2011.
I'am going to shape up my belly (stomach)
sounds funny but it's true true & true
This is one way to flatten our belly and reducing pants sizes.
Hopefully I can reduce my belly size and my weight too... 

Another thing in All Belly Business is I'm very eager to buy pan
to make pancake.
I already search for the prices of pans and waiting to buy it and make pancakes
Even I had found many pancake's recipe in many flavors.
So soon I will be making different kind of pancakes, hehehehe
Hmmmmm, I'm suppose to take chef course
but slip into business course.
I have the passion in cooking 
followed like my father 
Actually he is a good  cook.
Believable, he really can cook different recipe's.
I want to make pancake....

Belly Dancing

I'm the lil girl cooking like papa...

Wednesday 10 August 2011

My Passion for ChoColates, ChoColate cakes with Berries...!!! (Part II)

I'm back with my passion
Here are some pictures of chocolate, cakes and berries...!!!

Chocolate Fudge

Chocolate Mousse cake

Brownie with Vanilla ice-cream

Double Chocolate Brownie

Fallen Chocolate cake

Chocolate Raspberry Flood

Raspberry filling

Chocolate cake with berries

Strawberry with ice-cream trifle brownies

Today I'm not going to write or up-date anything
Very lazy ready
So just view all the delicious pictures above....


Tuesday 9 August 2011

My Passion for ChoColates, ChoColate cakes with Berries...!!!

I just can't stop myself from chocolates..
I love to eat chocolates...
whatever that include chocolate I just love it...
Doesn't matter what is it...
Can be cake,ice-cream,brownies,
pancake or whatever...!!!
I'll just finish it up in few minutes...*hehehe
I had tried to control myself from eating chocolates or whatever made from it
BUT I failed...
I feel like going insane without eating chocolate...
Even I had cried once because my sister hide my chocolate...(too over right)
My passion for chocolates is totally a big challenge for my FUTURE BF or HUSBAND
Have to spend a lot money to buy for me chocolate and even to pampered me...*hehehe

Chocolate cakes are so delicious when eating together
 with raspberry filling...It will be so tasty and you will forget
about the world when you're eating it...yummy..!!!
There are so many ways how you eat it...
Different people have their own way to eat and enjoyed it..
For me, I will eat it alone not sharing with anyone
Together with Milkshake or Vanilla ice-cream...
Just try this way and you'll love it...
wakakakaka....I'm lovin it =D

Once upon time...not really long time but during I'm doing form6,
my senior (I was really close with her since last time)
made for me brownie and brought it to school..
But that time we all went to Mc'D for some celebration after the school..
so I ate the brownies at Mc'D with ice-cream I bought at Mc'D
Brownie with ice-cream was really fantastic...
Only word couldn't describe my feeling when eating it
but you guys should taste it yourself...hehehe
The chocolate taste with Mc'Ds strawberry ice-cream was so awesome...believe me..!!!

Hmmm, there's more stories about chocolate stuffs... =D
Will update soon..

Chocolateeeee dreamzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Coming soon Coming soon...!!!!!

Saturday 6 August 2011

Selena Gomez & The Scene - Who Says


My sister asked me a question..."Ka,why u don't have special bf till now? Our two sisters (my cousins) already having bf but u still single, it's quit shame of u lar!!!". I was liked huh, y u asked me this suddenly..?? She asked me this question bcoz, my cousin sis 1 year younger than me is in relationship and I'm still single..

I don't think so that I'm shame of it and I'm happy bout it...I'm not shame to admit I'm single...It just that I'm not ready for being in relationship or am I looking for the really good one???
Actually, I've been twice disappointed before get into a real relationship last time...not cheated but I dono what to name bout it..The first guy I know says I'm not sporting and I dono to respect people...I got damn bengang with him when he said that and really hentam him cOz he don't know me well but criticize me..I can accept if he said in-front straight to me but that  stupid asshole talks behind me. The second stupendous, cheat behind me before I confess to him...He was having affair with another girl but then I was smart and caught him..*hehehe criminal mind lar me...Lucky I didn't confess to him...
BODOH SIAL's......

Moral of the stories are, I restrict myself not to trust guys...!! BUT THEN I'm not saying I wont be in relationship at all, it depends on the time...If I meant to meet the right person then I wont let the golden opportunities just go like wind..I will grab it...!!!

Haah, that day my cousin sista introduced me to her friend..He is a doctor...4 or 5 years older than me...hehehe I'm kinda like him but hopefully he don't treat me like sister..!!!
When I told my friend that day, she said older than us is much better cause they will think mature and will take care us vry much...Is it so..??? Is this guy for me...ONLY GOD KNOWS
(hahaha...gatai lar aku nie...dah berangan2, adoi..!!!)

What types of guys usually girls will like??? The type I like are

  • good looking...of course because have to see the same face everyday..*hehehe
  • caring
  • educated with secure job...will able to answer sorts of questions in life
  • responsible
  • lovable
  • that I don't end up eating ice cream and popcorn alone
  • to make me laugh when I'm sad
  • be protective...make me feel safe and secure
  • a bit of he won't let me go away
  • etc etc etc....
This is too much right...??? Not only me, but Millions of girls are looking for it...
This is mean "LOOKING FOR THE GOOD ONE"...*sounds insane

I will be waiting for the good one and destiny for me to share my life with...
There will be SOMEONE for me SOMEDAY

Yet I still love being SINGLE
you're free to do anything without
worrying bout anybody
there's no people around looking for you,
no irritating phone calls, no irritating messages for every minute,
no fights for no reason, no scarceness,
no cry, no midnight awake
and no etc etc etc....
that's great naa...!!!
I feel so good!!!!