Saturday 23 July 2011

Maiṁ pāgala hō rahā hūm̐ - I'm Crazy...Jangan Tidur Lagi...!!!!!

It's time 3.47 in the morning and I didn't sleep yet...
Everyone are sleeping and I'm jealous at them!!!
I cannot sleep because not sleepy yet...

haizzz...!!! I feel wanna eat at this time but 
don't know what to eat..?? hmmmm
Ais Kacang, Rojak, Ice-cream, Nasi Kandar,
Char Koey Teow pedas, etc etc etc...
Kalaular saya telan semua benda nie,
mesti "FOOD POISON" pagi nanti...bahaya bahaya..!!!

Hmmmmm....time nie jugak saya teringat kat Prince Charming...pulak dah!!!
Eh, bukan Prince Charming yg dicari2 kat awangan 
 yang serba kekurangan macam member saya cakap...!!!
yalar, bukan semua yang dicari@dipandang mata tu
perfectionist di mata hati kita...
semua ada cacat celanya kan..??

p/s: saya cari bf nak MATA cam pelakon tamil tu- SURYA..cair hati saya tengok mata cam tu..kalau lar boleh sikap baik cam dia pun oke jugak...
(OMG permintaan terlebih nie)...kikikiki

Adoi,sakit jiwa lar bila teringat 
assignments dan exam...
just around the corner exam- I can smell the burning
coming soon...coming soon
have to burn midnight oil lOr...!!!
minyak pun dah nak habis~hehehe~

Just about 10 months I will finish studying and graduate
and I'm damn lazy wanna go work.
I'm Crazy
I don't feel want to work
Want to stay at home but how huh??
if I didn't go to work then from where I want to get money??
*gila talak kot saya nie, tak nak pergi kerja!!!
entahlar, susah nak cakap, rasa cam susah sgt..!!!
tak boleh nak harap ibu bapa je
mrk pun dah tua, tak larat nak kerja
kena jaga adik2 pulak...
macam nie, terpaksalar saya kena pergi kerja...!!!
*spam:hehehe- Inilah digelar Pemalas Antarabangsa

Hey, my sista is going to Sarawak (UNIMAS)
further studying...
no people I want to disturb during sleeping time...
hehehe, whenever I sleep late, I will disturb her and wake her up
to ask whether she sleep ready or not...
I'm Crazy
it's okey, I will call her and ask whether she sleep ready or not..??

dream of food heaven!!!!

Ais Kacang

Rojak Penang

Char Koey Teow

Nasi Kandar

Surya- My Darling (hehehe)


1 comment:

  1. fuyooh malam hang nak makan banyak gitu?? wei later hang jadi macam saya le!!! dasyat niat hang! hehe surya?? dei dei..he is only one...:P
    N beb the same sis story will hapen to me! col me altho late nite ok..hehehe :P
